One of the greatest RTS\’s every built.

User Rating: 10

If you grew up on starship Art, or doodled in your schoolbooks during boring lessons, or had any concievable connection to Science Fiction involving spaceships during the 70’s and 80’s, then your jaw probably dropped when you first saw Homeworld.  It was likely the game you dreamed about playing, *real* 3D modeled starships that you could command and send into battle, and what is more, you could move all around them, pause the action, check out the vapourous engine trails and watch the bullets slam home into the enemy.  Gameplay is the thing here. even though the game was drop dead gorgeous, the game would draw you in.   Homeworld 2 did it for me though. Many people fell in love with the micromanagement and adapted well to the HW1 environment. When HW2 came along with a different feel to the UI, a sensor manager that was less buggy and a bunch of small but subtle changes, many people just didn’t want to change their experience.  I have to say though, that I really fell in love with the streamlined UI and interface of HW2, and found the changes unexpectedly good.  I own the remastered edition, but I still play the classic edition from the early 2000’s.  It hasn’t been off my drive much since it first came out, and I have upgraded my PC many times.  It’s a space combat staple I find myself coming back to, over and over again.

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