Homeworld Remastered at PAXaus!
First things first: PAXaus was awesome. If you’re able to, definitely go to PAX – any PAX. They’re a blast.
Now, on to the important stuff: Homeworld: Remastered news from PAX. Unfortunately, out of an hour long panel, only a few minutes were devoted to HW:R. “Why is Gearbox barely talking about Homeworld!?”, you ask? Let me digress a moment and let you know why that may be.
Y u no talk about Homeworld, Gearbox?!
Gearbox is a game development studio, which means they don’t have a large marketing department, and they’re not producers. In the ‘corporate video game world’, the studios create the games and the publishers fund the development, handle all of the advertising, promotion, and most of the community management. Gearbox’s entire panel at PAX was probably mostly planned and created by their publishers, and their publishers make their money from Borderlands and GB’s other high profile IP’s. Because there is no publisher for HW:R, there’s very little news, talk, or hype surrounding the remakes.
Homeworld: Remastered should be released in January or February of 2015
–Randy Pritchard, Gearbox CEO
Gearbox likely has their hands full with the development, leaving very little time to promote HW:R to the fanbase at large. Don’t mistake me for a Gearbox fanboy (honestly, I’ve never played a GB game in my life), but I will say that I think the Homeworld community should cut them a little slack – after all, they’ve resurrected one of the most amazing game worlds ever created! I know I’m extremely grateful to them for this, and can’t wait for the release, whenever that may be. So let’s show ’em a little love and help promote the game – tell your friends, neighbor, and grandma about how awesome Homeworld is!
So what did they say at PAX?
Gearbox’s CEO Randy Pritchard said during the panel that HW:R is “likely to be released in January or February of 2015” – see, that’s not too far way, is it? But what they said was less important than what they showed, which was a few jaw-dropping screenshots (pardon the low quality, these were grabbed from video, GB hasn’t released high res versions yet):

Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 1

Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 2

Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 3

Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 4

Homeworld Remastered High Res Screenshot PAX South 5

Homeworld Remastered PAX Australia 2014 – Gate

Homeworld Remastered PAX Australia 2014 – Kadeshi Swarmer

Homeworld Remastered PAX Australia 2014 – Resource Collection

Homeworld Remastered PAX Australia 2014 – Sajuuk

Homeworld Remastered PAX Australia 2014 – Taiidanii Heavy Corvette

Homeworld Remastered PAX Australia 2014 – Taiidanii Multigun Corvettes

Homeworld Remastered PAX Australia 2014 – Turanic Raiders Missile Corvette

Homeworld Remastered 2014 – Torpedo Frigate and Destroyer

Homeworld Remastered 2014 – Hiigaran Bombers
Video or it didn’t happen
Well said. Here you go:

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